torsdag 9 februari 2017


I have now arrived at the New York training school and it feels great!
Although the day is filled with different classes the day goes by pretty fast.

Me at Copenhagen Airport Kastrup before leaving for London and finally New York
The trip from Copenhagen Airport Kastrup went by pretty fast although it took about 12 hours in total. I met two other Swedes traveling from Copenhagen so we spent our time togheter during our transfer in London. In London we just got something to eat and then got on to the plane going to JFK in New York. When we got here we were a group of about 30 people arriving with the same plane. We then went by bus to the Campus where we are going through the Au Pair Training School. The view from the plane over New York was amazing! It kind of reminded me of the games Grand Theft Auto when you look over the cities in the different games.

View from the plane of New York
View from the plane of New York

Here on Campus I share room with 3 other guys. One from Germany, one from France and one from Czech Republic. Everyone here is very friendly and it just feels like we all don't really understand what we have taken upon us. At least it feels so for me. I guess it will go up to my head once I get to my family. That will be on Friday and I just can't wait.

Today (Thursday) we were supposed to go into NYC but over the night there came a snow storm and they had to cancel the trip. I felt very dissapointed but I know I can go to NYC once I get to my host family. Instead of the trip we're gonna have a movie night tonight instead. Not sure what movie we'll watch yet. Until then I will probably just spend the day chilling on my laptop. It also feels great beeing finished with all courses and I just feel ready to go to my host family.

Back to chilling now. I'll write again once I get to my host family!

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