torsdag 16 februari 2017

10 Days

Been here for 10 days now and it feels great! There are a lot of new things to learn. And there are a lot of differences from home as well. One example would be the way you get around. In Sweden I could bike a lot. Here it feels like the roads aren't very friendly for bikes and is mainly for driving cars. A lot of stuff is also bigger. Like the ammount of the stuff you buy. Even just in a regular grocery store some containers look ridiculously big to me. Then there are Costco where everything is big. Even though it may seem absurd with big stuff like that it can be useful for big families as they both will save money and time on getting alot in each package.

I have been with the family now since Friday the 10th and it feels great so far. They're super nice and it feels like I get the time I need to start adapting to the routines. The 4 kids are pretty wild sometimes so there's always something going on when they're home. But I like it, you never really get bored. There are also 3 dogs but they're super cute and really cuddly. The food is similar to home so that feels good. One thing that surprises me though is how much the kids eat casue even if you think they take small portions, they just eat a lot. They also do a lot of snacking and it just feels like food disappers all the time. But hey they're growing so it's good that they eat a lot.

So last Sunday I was at a wrestling competition where the oldest kid competed. He did some great matches and in the end got 2nd place after het got beaten in a close match against a kid from the same team. It was nice watching some wrestling even if it differs from what I've been doing in Sweden. Yesterday I got my bank account setup and was at my first meeting with the other au pairs in my cluster. We got some frozen yoghurt and it was nice seeing some other au pairs. Tonight I'm gonna have a meeting with the family and LCC and I think it's gonna be great to get all things going. Hopefully I will get my gym membership fixed soon so I can start working out! Need some papers so I can get a discount.

But for now over and out!

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