måndag 20 februari 2017


Went into Boston yesterday (19th feb) and it was pretty cool! Started out at Faneuil Hall where I walked around a bit and then got a really nice hamburger with fries for lunch.

A very tasty hamburger
After the very tasty lunch I went on trough north end and up to the USS Constitution.

I went into the museum part and it was pretty interesting. To pay for the entrance you payed with a donation so you were free to pay however much you wanted. If you want to go on to the ship it's possible. I didn't though casue I felt I wanted to move on.

On my way to the USS Constitution

The USS Constitution
Bunker Hill monument
Form the USS Constitution I went to the Bunker Hill monument. The monument is a huge pillar and it's pretty epic looking. The monument shows the place for "The battle of bunker hill" between British and New England soldiers in 1775.

From Bunker Hill I continued my trip through Boston to Boston Common wich is a big park.
There I took sometime to rest and just chilled out for a while. It was a perfect day with some nice sun and decent temperature. 

Street near Bunker Hill
Bridge on my way to Boston common
On my way there I got some pretty nice pictures of Boston for example this epic looking bridge or the nice little street near bunker hill.
Boston Common
From Boston Common I continued down Boylston street to the Hynes Convention Center T-station and went home. I had a great day in Boston with some great views and nice experiences.

torsdag 16 februari 2017

10 Days

Been here for 10 days now and it feels great! There are a lot of new things to learn. And there are a lot of differences from home as well. One example would be the way you get around. In Sweden I could bike a lot. Here it feels like the roads aren't very friendly for bikes and is mainly for driving cars. A lot of stuff is also bigger. Like the ammount of the stuff you buy. Even just in a regular grocery store some containers look ridiculously big to me. Then there are Costco where everything is big. Even though it may seem absurd with big stuff like that it can be useful for big families as they both will save money and time on getting alot in each package.

I have been with the family now since Friday the 10th and it feels great so far. They're super nice and it feels like I get the time I need to start adapting to the routines. The 4 kids are pretty wild sometimes so there's always something going on when they're home. But I like it, you never really get bored. There are also 3 dogs but they're super cute and really cuddly. The food is similar to home so that feels good. One thing that surprises me though is how much the kids eat casue even if you think they take small portions, they just eat a lot. They also do a lot of snacking and it just feels like food disappers all the time. But hey they're growing so it's good that they eat a lot.

So last Sunday I was at a wrestling competition where the oldest kid competed. He did some great matches and in the end got 2nd place after het got beaten in a close match against a kid from the same team. It was nice watching some wrestling even if it differs from what I've been doing in Sweden. Yesterday I got my bank account setup and was at my first meeting with the other au pairs in my cluster. We got some frozen yoghurt and it was nice seeing some other au pairs. Tonight I'm gonna have a meeting with the family and LCC and I think it's gonna be great to get all things going. Hopefully I will get my gym membership fixed soon so I can start working out! Need some papers so I can get a discount.

But for now over and out!

torsdag 9 februari 2017


I have now arrived at the New York training school and it feels great!
Although the day is filled with different classes the day goes by pretty fast.

Me at Copenhagen Airport Kastrup before leaving for London and finally New York
The trip from Copenhagen Airport Kastrup went by pretty fast although it took about 12 hours in total. I met two other Swedes traveling from Copenhagen so we spent our time togheter during our transfer in London. In London we just got something to eat and then got on to the plane going to JFK in New York. When we got here we were a group of about 30 people arriving with the same plane. We then went by bus to the Campus where we are going through the Au Pair Training School. The view from the plane over New York was amazing! It kind of reminded me of the games Grand Theft Auto when you look over the cities in the different games.

View from the plane of New York
View from the plane of New York

Here on Campus I share room with 3 other guys. One from Germany, one from France and one from Czech Republic. Everyone here is very friendly and it just feels like we all don't really understand what we have taken upon us. At least it feels so for me. I guess it will go up to my head once I get to my family. That will be on Friday and I just can't wait.

Today (Thursday) we were supposed to go into NYC but over the night there came a snow storm and they had to cancel the trip. I felt very dissapointed but I know I can go to NYC once I get to my host family. Instead of the trip we're gonna have a movie night tonight instead. Not sure what movie we'll watch yet. Until then I will probably just spend the day chilling on my laptop. It also feels great beeing finished with all courses and I just feel ready to go to my host family.

Back to chilling now. I'll write again once I get to my host family!