måndag 11 september 2017

Visit from Sweden Part 3

This post starts the 2nd of August in Charleston. We made our way to Patriots Point. A museum about the military. Consisting of one submarine, the USS Clamagore, one destroyer, the USS Laffey and one aircraft carrier, the USS Yorktown. It also has a few differnet exhibits, a Vietnam experience exhibit, a bunch of aircrafts and a Medal of Honour museum. Me and my dad wasn't able to go through the Vietnam experinece and the Medal of Honour due to my sister not having anything else to do so she got frustrated at us. Here are some pictures:
The USS Yorktown 
The USS Laffey

The USS Clamagore

From Patriots Point we went into Charleston for some lunch and we then continued walking through the town. The walk got us to the Old Slave Mart Museum. An old alley where they sold slaves. We then contiuned to the Old exchange and Provost Dungeon. Both very interesting historical places. We then took a stop at a nice irish pub called Tommy Condons Restaurant. From there to Tanger Outlets for a little bit of shopping before heading back to Columbia.

The next day we weren't sure what to do so we went to Augusta. Possibly a mistake as it was a kind of boring city, we had an awsome lunch and then we saw the riverside. We also met James Brown, or well it was a statue of him. We also got to a shopping mall and did some more shopping.
Statue of James Brown

After coming back to Columbia we decided to go to the cinema. We went to the movie Detroit, a dark and serious movie about a crazy event in the American history. Showing some clear racial tension. It was very touching and I definently recommend it.

The 4th of August was the last full day with my dad and sister before they left for going up north to DC and NYC. We spent part of it with my host family going down to our community pool and chilling out. We then went to a store my dad wanted to go into quickly, me and my sister waited in a car and we deicided to do a silly prank. We then moved the car and laughed our asses off as dad came out and looked confused as to where the car was parked. That night we went out for our last dinner. 
Last dinner before leaving
The 5th of August I got dropped off and my dad and sister left for the northwest. This was the end of some nice days and I went back to the normal crazy life. This concludes this mini series.

As I post this it's in the middle of hurricane Irma. Although not hitting me and my host family directly there's alot of rain and wind around us. We are fine and probably won't get any major issues.
But for now over and out!

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