söndag 10 september 2017

Visit from Sweden Part 2

The 30 of July was a pretty calm day starting out with walking around downtown and finding our way to some Memorials about different conflict ranging from World War 1 until Vietnam.
Vietnam War Memorial
Unkonw Memorial probably something with dogs

Pearl Harbour Memorial

Holocaust Memorial
Also Holocaust Memorial

US WWII Navy Memorial

USS Columbia Memorial

World War I Memorial

Korean War Memorial

The Memorials show a clear difference in the way you see the armed forces between Sweden and the US. Also like the Korean War Memorial as it had the same type of statue as in Washington DC. One that I liked.

Spending the day roaming around and chilling out we ended the day with going to a baseball game.

Chilling out with the mascot

A fun and unique experience which is definently something to see while in the US.

The 31st started out with checking out the South Carolina State House and then went over to my host family. We spent some time chilling at the pool and then had some dinner with the host family. We also handed over some Swedish gifts. A book about the Swedish landscapes, a tray in blue and yellow saying "Fika".

The 1st of August and we get in the car to go down to Charleston. We went straight to the McLeod Plantation. An old plantation where people lived until 1990s. Not as slaves the latter years of course.
McLeod Plantation

The Mansion McLeod Plantation

The Mansion McLeod Plantation

The Mansion McLeod Plantation

The road up to the McLeod House

A great historic site with a dark history showing the racial differneces we can see all the way into our time. Even here on the plantation where both the mansion and the old slave houses had people living here until the 1990s. The people living in the old slave houses were free but very poor.

From the plantation to an awsome lunch at YoBo Cantina Fresca. A place I definently recommend to go if in Charleston!
Nom Nom Nom

YoBo Cantina Fresca

From lunch to some more history this time we went to Fort Moultire. An old fort built during the revolutionary war lasting until after the second world war. And now for some pictures:
A more modern cannon at Fort Moultire

The old command tower during WWII

Looking out through a cannon

An older cannon

How to lift an old cannon which weighs a lot

Another old cannon

And another

Fort Moultire

Some more cannons

Some ammunition

My sister hates this so she found a nice little beach nearby so after having went through the Fort me and my sister took a swim in the ocean. We then went to the hotel and checked in and then went down to the beautiful French Quarters. Especially the beautiful Rainbow Row. Stand by for Part 3 will try to not be as late for that post!
Cya laters alligators!

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