lördag 28 januari 2017

First post and presentation

Hello everyone!

My name is Ludwig Bengtsson and this blog will follow my adventure as an Au Pair in the USA, wich starts 6th february 2017 as I leave Sweden. In this first post I will try and introduce myself and some of the expectations I have. I'm currenty 20 years old and live in Sweden. I graduated this summer from the swedish high school and now hope to go on the adventure of my life as I leave for America. I've been training greco-roman style wrestling for about 9 years and have been both training and trainer. I've also played drums for about 10 years and have played in a few different bands. My biggest intrest however is computer games with a lot of time spent both online and offline. I do also spend a lot of time out with my many different friends. 
I choose my name, 'TheOddAuPair', as I know most au pairs are female. This made me feel like I would be different compared to most others doing a similar trip.

Why Au pair?

I usally awnser this question in two parts. The first one beeing that I want to leave my home and experience the world. I could've choosen to just travel as a tourist but I don't think that is the optimal way to really experience the world. Living with a family will get me closer to the culture and make me able to widen my view of the world even more. The other part would be that I like working with people and my future goal is to work with people in some way. This is a great opportunity to work with people both children and adults. I think that makes the au pair experience the perfect way for me to experience the world.


It's hard to have any expectations as it will be so different from anything I've experienced before. I do however think it will be an awsome year with many great memories and many new friends. It might be hard to fit in from the start but I feel that I got the flexibility to fit in fairly quick and get into a positive rythm. With todays technology it is also easy for me to contact my family if I ever need to speak with them. I've heard a lot about everything will be larger and more unhealthy so I think I will need to focus more on what I eat and how much I exercise. I do think however it will be a great year to start exersicing pretty much everyday and focusing on getting both better stamina and more muscular. I Also think it will widen my life experience by a lot. 

Things that will be limited

There will probably be not that many pictures of my host family as they want to keep their activity on the internet low. I respect this and will work close with them to make sure they feel comfortable with me doing this blog.

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