fredag 16 mars 2018


In this post I am in Seattle checking out some of the regular tourist spots such as, The Space Needle, MoPOP and the aquarium. First up, The Space Needle!

Sights from the Space needle

On top of the Space needle
Some great sights from the Space Needle, unfortanetly I didn't take a picture how the building it self looks. If you don't know then you'll have to do some work yourself and google it. It's definently something you should go see if you happen to find yourself in Seattle.

Right next to the Space needle was the Museum of Pop culture (MoPoP) possibly the most interesting museum I've been to showcasing a bunch of movies, games and music. Another thing to see in Seattle! It had everything from fantasy through horror to sci-fi. Definently something for someone who wants to nerd out a bit and/or possibly discover something new.
Dragon at MoPoP

Gimli's helmet from LotR

From the fifth element

Seattle skyline
Getting myself on a cruise I got an amazing view of the Seattle skyline. The cruise was pretty cool but at least you could get a beer on it so I give it 10/10. From the cruise I made my way over to the aquarium located in a pier almost right next to the cruise. A standrad aquarium exprience I would say however it definently made my day when the sea otters got fed.
Pike Place Market

I also made a stop by the iconic Pike Palace market where they throw fishes around which is quite a funny site. Another place to definently go!

I also made sure to go to a movie at the amazing Cinerama theater where you can have a beer with your movie! With also amazing sound and picture. I saw Black Panther which is such a great f***ing movie. With that movie and the beer the place can only get an 11/10.

Seattle's been a great stop but now it's time to fly over to the east coast and NYC. See you there!

söndag 11 mars 2018

San Fransisco

From LA the bus took me to San Fransisco and just wow those are some impressive streets, almost like walking up a wall sometimes. However still a city which is wonderful to walk through (espeically if you wanna get some sick calves).

Chinatown gate

A typical San Fran street

Lombard Street 

Lombard Street

Walking around took me to the worlds most crooked street, Lombard street. Continuing to walk I got over to Musee Mechanique, a museum for old mechanically operated musical instruments and antique arcade machines. A very cool place which I definently recommend to visit, just dont forget some quarters!

Sea lions at Pier 39
At Pier 39 you can find some nice shops and resturant. You could also just chill with the Sea Lions.
Isolation cell at Alcatraz

Cell at Alcatraz

San Fransisco skyline from Alcatraz

Getting on a tour boat I got out to Alcatraz, the old prison. Having hosted some of the most famous criminals it was a cool experience to be able to visit and walk around the old prison. It also gave a great view of San Fransisco.
Definently something to go do while in SF, you probably need to book ahead of time though as it's a very popular destination.

Golden Gate Bridge
Another touristy thing to do is going across the Golden Gate Bridge. I choose to rent a bike and bike across. A nice little trip that didn't take too long. The bridge is very cool and looks very good even beeing old. Definently another sight to see!

But that's all for this post of the blog. In the next post I'll be in Seattle!
Cya later alligators.

lördag 3 mars 2018


And we're off! First stop Los Angeles, the city of angels. Oh boy did I enjoy this city. A really unique city with a lot of cool stuff... And a lot of terrible traffic. But still oh so good. If I ever would consider moving to the US (Which I'm not really casue Sweden is still awesomesauce) it would definently be high on my list. Coming in right into the rush hour I got a good taste of the LA traffic right away. The first evening I spent enjoying my first time on the road and made sure to get a good nights rest.

My first full day (7 Feb) in LA I decided to go to Universal Studios. Buying my tickets online allowed me to get into the Harry Potter part 1 hour earlier which was wonderful at there was like no other people around which gave you a lot of freedom in exploring it and looking around. Definently something I recommend if you go there! What also helped was being there in the off season and in the middle of the week.
Outside Universal

Right inside Universal Studios
From Harry Potter

The Hogwarts Express

Ready for quidditch!

Butter Beer

Trying to not get caught
 From Harry Potter to some Springfield with the Simpsons. A really cool part where you could get a huge donut or just take a beer at Moe's. I tried the Duff Beer which was like a typical American beer. Shitty and kinda watery. Either way it was cool to try one.

Nom nom nom

Time for some fun!

Beer pause, time for some Duff Beer!

It was really cool to be able to go behind the scences of one of the largest film studios in the world with their behind the scenes tour.


The court hose from Back to The Future

This seems fine

Getting to see all kinds of tricks and things as we traveld around the studio. Especially scary was it when the tunnel we were in got flooded!
OH NO! Flooding

But no more spoliers for Universal. Next day it was time for DisneyLand (and Disney California adventure park) where I got the parkhopper pass so I could go in between the parks. The lines here were a bit longer than at universal but from what Ive understood Disney is always busy. Just that you can like me get there when they are less busy.
Entrance to California Adventures

Entrance to Disney Land

The Iconic Castle

Mickey Mouse Ferris Wheel

If you ever go to the California Adventure park you HAVE TO see the show World of Color, OMGOSH I just can't describe it but saying. Think water, lasers, Disney and fire. It was just amazing and I'm just not gonna post any pictures casue you just have to go see it for yourself.

While in LA I saw some of the more typical touristy things like the walk of fame and I went on a famous people house tour. Unfortanetly we didn't see any famous people but we were able to see Taylor Swifts security team outside her house. I also went to Santa Monica and Venice Beach, didn't not take a dip casue it just wasnt quite warm enough I thought. Whatelse can I say it was an amazing city and already looking forward to the next time I'll go there. Would love to show you some more pictures but I need to start writing about my visit to San Fransisco so for now I'm out and I'll see you soon again and then I'll be in San Fransisco! (Well I've already been there casue I'm really bad at keeping up with writing here on the blog) 

tisdag 20 februari 2018

The Year Ends

One year. One adventure. Many new experiences. What can I say. This is crazy, I have been away from home for 1 year. I haven't seen my mom for 1 year. It has went by so quick. But so many memories. I have to start of by thanking the family that have hosted me in their home for this year and I'm forever greatful for beeing able to have this experience. I have grown so much as a person. It's hard to understand and sum up this whole experience but I guess I'm gonna try. So let's start from the beginning.

Arriving to the training school in New York with a lot of feelings and just not knowing what's waiting. Spending a few days there having classes and just talking with other people who just arrived. From the training school to the family a year of like everything started. Seeing awsome stuff in Boston and then moving down to South Carolina where I now will be departing for 1 month filled with travel.

Don't know what more to say casue I feel it's just hard to put it down in words. Keep following for my month of travel so see you around!

tisdag 9 januari 2018

New Years City

Back once more in New York City and this time over New Years. Arriving the evening of 26th the first night was pretty much just eat and then chill out and sleep. Got a great burger and shake at the resturant Harlem Shake.

After some great sleep I made my way to High Line, a long park created on an old industrial trainline. A truly beautiful place to walk through and provides a nice view of the streets below. It's also nice getting a break from red lights and cars. I belive it to be even better in spring and summer time.
The High line from below

On the High Line 

On the High Line

On the High Line

Looking down at a street

A cool sculpture

Another view of a street

Looking out towards New Jersey

A cool bridge between two buildings

A large building over the High Line

Traces of the old tracks

At the end of the High Line I went to have some lunch at the resturant Bubby's a nice American style resturant. Had a nice burger before continuing my adventrues.

Brooklyn Bridge

Took a quick trip by the Brooklyn Bridge, didn't walk on it but walked right past it which was really cool. It was hughmungus

Special lamp in China Town
China Town

From the Brooklyn Bridge I made my way to China Town. A very unique place with lots of asian looking things. For example the lamp posts, but also all signs beeing in both english and what I think is Chinese.

Statue of Liberty

NYC from the Staten Island Ferry
Trying to get to the Statue of Liberty seemed like a nightmare with all the tourists around so I went for the 2nd best option to see her. The Staten Island ferry. Going from NYC and then running around to board it again once you get to Staten Island you get a decent but still kinda crowded view of the statue. Definently quicker and easier to get on the boat and if you just have a phone up and walk towards the window most people will let you by to snap that picture of the statue.

Soul Food
Missing the south a little bit I made sure to get some Soul Food. Maybe not very healthy but oooooo DELICOUS! That mac'n'cheese is to kill for. Getting a box and paying by the pound at Jacob Soul food and salad bar. A great place where you can pick what you want and if you fill the box up you get you get a little more than full. Definently something to get if you happen to get up around Harlem.

Times Square at New Years

And now why is this post called New Years City... Well it was cold, it was freezing, it was kinda terrible but I was able to see the New Years ball drop at Times Square. I learnt an important thing about it. I will never do it again. It was a cool experience standing in the cold with like 1 million other people to see a small ball drop. You learnt a lot about how much cold you can suffer through, and how long you can hold from going to the bathroom. Getting in at around 16.00 (4 pm) it was a long and slow wait. Unfortanetly you can't leave to go to the bathroom and you get very cold from just standing still so moving your feet at all times is very important. But the people around you are very nice and you start playing games to make the time go.
Proud to have defeated the cold weather
If I'm ever gonna see the ball drop again I will watch it on TV or the internet. However no regrets about freezing my toes off. (They were not hurt just really, really cold)

After a night in the cold I made sure to sleep in and then went to the Museum of Natrual history. All I can say is lots and lots and lots of things... and people. Luckily I found a side entrance to the space part which made it a lot easier to get in as the line was shorter. Hard to describe everything they got so I just gotta say go there if you enjoy to see stuff about animals, people, space and like everything in between.
Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnndddd pictures!
Native American masks

More Native American stuff

Even more Native American stuff 

Dinosaur at main entrance


Teddy Roosevelt at the main entrance

Main Entrance

Freeze dried Ice cream sandwich 

Freeze dried ice cream sandwich 

Freeze dried ice cream sandwich 

Freeze dried ice cream sandwich

I also got myself a freeze dried ice cream sandwich from the museum store. As you can see from the picture it's one that they have in space. It tasted like "meringue" (maräng på svenska) and was pretty nice to eat. Still had a little bit of an ice cream taste to it, allthough it wasn't cold.