söndag 11 mars 2018

San Fransisco

From LA the bus took me to San Fransisco and just wow those are some impressive streets, almost like walking up a wall sometimes. However still a city which is wonderful to walk through (espeically if you wanna get some sick calves).

Chinatown gate

A typical San Fran street

Lombard Street 

Lombard Street

Walking around took me to the worlds most crooked street, Lombard street. Continuing to walk I got over to Musee Mechanique, a museum for old mechanically operated musical instruments and antique arcade machines. A very cool place which I definently recommend to visit, just dont forget some quarters!

Sea lions at Pier 39
At Pier 39 you can find some nice shops and resturant. You could also just chill with the Sea Lions.
Isolation cell at Alcatraz

Cell at Alcatraz

San Fransisco skyline from Alcatraz

Getting on a tour boat I got out to Alcatraz, the old prison. Having hosted some of the most famous criminals it was a cool experience to be able to visit and walk around the old prison. It also gave a great view of San Fransisco.
Definently something to go do while in SF, you probably need to book ahead of time though as it's a very popular destination.

Golden Gate Bridge
Another touristy thing to do is going across the Golden Gate Bridge. I choose to rent a bike and bike across. A nice little trip that didn't take too long. The bridge is very cool and looks very good even beeing old. Definently another sight to see!

But that's all for this post of the blog. In the next post I'll be in Seattle!
Cya later alligators.

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