lördag 15 juli 2017


From Massachussets to South Carolina. Moving with my host family have changed a lot. A bigger, better house, new surroundings, new opportunities. The biggest thing that has changed is definitely the weather. Going from a somewhat similar to Swedish weather (possibly a bit warmer but still relatable) to the heat and humidity of the south has been a big change. Both with how you plan the day but also what kind of weather you experience. Having large rain and thunderstorms regularly is pretty impressive but also a bit scary.  Especially thinking about how strong the nature can be and how it might affect your life.

I do find it awsome having moved here experiencing another part of the US and widening my perspective of the world even more. Probably couldn't have gotten a much better deal than this. 2 parts of the US for the price of 1. Having spent about half of my time in Massachusetts and now the rest here in South Carolina.

The move went by nice and fairly smooth having the packers come and pack all the stuff up in about 3 days was pretty amazing to see. It took some days before the boxes of our stuff would arrive in South Carolina however. That gave me a few days off beeing placed at a hotel by the family I got a bit of a minivacation before leaving Boston. I was abe to go into the city, do some shopping and just enjoy a few days on my own before we made the drive to South Carolina.

Having been here for a little over a week now I enjoy the house and the new surrondings. Another big difference here is relying on a car to get around. With no public transportation and longer distances between things, a car is key to get around. Something I don't mind as it would be very hard walking or biking around due to the heat. Beeing in a car with AC is very refreshing. It also makes more sense as the distances are longer. Driving around more makes it more important to work out properly and make sure you go out for a run or walk regularly.

Some of the challenges I see is that coming to a new area I have no friends or people to hang out with, so you need to find new places to meet people. Another thing is that this au pair group is smaller which makes it have a more limited kinds of people to meet up with as a start. The distances are also something that could make this harder as you get more isolated and need to spend more time getting to and from places. It also makes the range of places to go more limited.

To sum it all up I think it's awsome though all the problems I run into I will have to do my best to get past and find some way around.

But for now I'm out cya people!

söndag 2 juli 2017

I have commited treason

Yes, as the title suggests I have committed treason. Treason against the crown of England. As a memeber of the Sons of Liberty, I, Gilbert Colseworthy, a caulker, have December 16th, 1773 stood up against the monopoly of the British East India Company and the opression from the Parlament towards the colonies. By throwing all the tea into the harbour we have shown our displeasure with the treatment of us. This will surley be the start of something great for us. Huzzah!

With that little intro, probably not completley historically correct, I will tell you about how I, the 21st of June went to the Boston Tea Party Museum. Probably the best, if not one of the best museum I've ever been to. With some great acting and invlovment of the people coming to the tour. Starting with giving you a new identity and a funny meeting where you get to shout, hiss, stomp and clap to the speaker about the events of December 16th, 1773. Continuing with a tour of a replica of one of the two ships. Then telling you about everything which leads up to the start of the American Revolution. A great and fun museum showing everything from casues to consequenses in a interesting and entertaining way. It has somewhat of a brighter tone than maybe other museums which usally seem to center history as something dark and serious. Something that can turn the experience boring as the exhibitons can be long. Although it might be important to be serious (ex museums about WWII) I would be happy to see more museums being more light hearted like this one.

One of the 2 replicas at the
Boston Tea Party museum
Below deck at one of the replicas

Below deck at one of the replicas
Above deck at one of the replicas

Above deck at one of the replicas

After the museum I continued through Boston to see some of the tall ships participating in Sail Boston.
Another ship from Sail Boston

Some of the ships from Sail Boston
A tall ship leaving 

Seeing the ships was pretty awsome but I got hungry so I went to a fancy mexican resturant.
The guacamole was made in front of me and it was amazing.

Guacamole made in front of me
Mexican food

June 22nd
The following day I went to the witch town Salem and visited the witch museum. Another awsome experience.

Salem Witch Museum
A museum about the witch trials in Salem. A pretty awsome experience. It's not just the museum being inspired by witches, the whole town has something to do with witches. Having several witch shops making the whole town having an awsome atmosphere.

Going back into Boston I found a place to play some drums which I haven't done for several months. It felt great going there and being able to play some drums. The place is called Jamspot and it cost me 15 bucks for an hour.

For now I'm out cya!